Charlotte Real Estate Investing 101 Saturday, November 11, 2023 10:00 am - 11:30 am ET

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Taught by
Camp North End

Dive deep into the nuanced world of real estate investment with this comprehensive class. Whether it's your first home purchase or you're building a property portfolio, we'll guide you through the crucial elements of investing in real estate.

From understanding the financial requirements such as down payments and financing to maximizing your return on investment, you'll get a crash course on this exciting venture. You'll gain valuable insights into how to manage properties, and you'll get a solid primer on the best short- and long-term rental platforms.

This class is presented in partnership with LendScout by ASMC, which allows us to offer it for just $10! Spots are limited and first come, first serve. Learn more about LendScout and the work that they do right here.

Who Should Take This Class?

This course is designed to empower both novice and experienced investors with robust knowledge and effective strategies for successful real estate investing.

Real Estate Investing 101
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