Charlotte The Home Buying Playbook Tuesday, January 23, 2024 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm ET

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Taught by
Camp North End

Whether buying your first home or needing advanced strategies to acquire rental properties, this class will touch on all levels of real estate purchase. In this informative, discussion-based class, you will learn the skills you need to confidently navigate the home buying process - from applying for a loan to getting to the closing table. Overall, you'll get a comprehensive look at what it takes to purchase your very own property! The instructors from LendScout have buying homes since 2011 and maintaining both short-term and long-term rentals since that time. With over a decade of experience in the mortgage world coupled with one being a financial planner, they’ll cover all the odds and ends. They will walk you through, step by step, how to acquire your first home, or help you build your real estate portfolio.

This class is presented in partnership with LendScout by ASMC, which allows us to offer it for just $10! Spots are limited and first come, first serve. Learn more about LendScout and the work that they do right here.

The Home Buying Playbook
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